Are you asking yourself….
When should I start taking social security?
Do I need a trust? Do my parents need a trust? What about my kids?
Can I pay less income tax?
Should I do a Roth conversion now to reduce my RMDs when I have to start taking them?
How do I start spending the money I have worked decades to accumulate without worrying all the time that I will run out of money?
If I have different types of accounts, in what order should I withdraw money when I need it?
Can I afford to retire?
How much should I really be saving every month?
If I don’t have children, what do I need to do to ensure my financial and healthcare wishes are met? If I do have children, what do I need to do to ensure my financial and healthcare wishes are met?
Watch your mail in the next few weeks for an exciting announcement from LFS!
Can’t wait for our letter?? Feel free to call us now!